Saturday, April 5, 2008


So people keep asking us – “what’s Piins all about?”. But as with many new concepts when you first start working on them, it’s actually quite hard to sum it up in one pithy sentence. Piins offers such a huge amount of functionality in one clever application that focusing on one specific thing never seems to do it justice.

However, if we were pushed to ‘piin it down’ we’d probably say that Piins simplifies your online life. That’s a bit vague and non-specific we hear you say? Well, the truth is that whatever you want to do on the internet – Piins makes it easier. It’s that simple. And that big.

Piins is a unique combination of social media applications and services accessible via a personalised toolbar anywhere on the internet. In essence Piins turns the web into your own personalised internet (you might call it the ‘Piinternet’).

We think Piins has the potential to be as revolutionary as Google was. Big words…but we really believe this. We are aiming to change forever the way that people access and share online content and store personal data. We also provide people with the tools to completely personalise the online experience, turning every website into a social space that is unique to the user. We promise you it will change the way everyone uses the internet.

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